Sunday, March 13, 2011

Well, maybe social media...

Well, I am not on the bandwagon by any means, but I have gone from having my toe in social media to now being up to my ankle. I participated in my first Tweet Meet this week. And let me tell you, it was underwhelming. If social media is all about conversations and community building, this experience did not meet those goals. It was very clunky, slow and not all the tweets were even picked up properly. Most of the attendees were bystanders - and the group's theme is social media! It was a rather painful hour. 

I continue to ask - where is the value? The answer continues to be unclear to me most of the time.

But here is where I believe the sweet spot is, putting people in touch with others they find credible and trustworthy. My social media activity consists of following a few blogs (, and Why? Because they all have information that interests me from people I respect. I am part of their communities and conversations because of the steady flow of information that interests me from people I trust.

Like any form of media, that's the foundation. Social media is different, but not so different after all. Get the content/credibility basics in place and the conversation/community will follow naturally.

Thanks for reading! Next up, still old school - email does work.

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